Koji Yamane, Miki Mariyama, Yoshihiro Hirooka, Morio Iijima. Root pruning is effective in alleviating the inhibition of soybean growth caused by anaerobic stress for a short period. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2023. 22. 4. 1035-1044
Yoshikatsu Ueda, Yasuhiro Izumi, Yoshihiro Hirooka, Yoshinori Watanabe, Morio Iijima. Fine soil particle aggregation in ultra-fine bubble irrigated paddy fields. Water Supply. 2022. 22. 11. 7972-7981
Yoshihiro Hirooka, Shintaro Kurashige, Koji Yamane, Misako Kakiuchi, Daisuke Ishikawa, Taku Miyagawa, Kazuya Iwai, Morio Iijima. Effects of different application methods of spent coffee grounds on weed growth. Weed Technology. 2022. 36. 5. 692-699
Rongling Ye, Taisuke Kodo, Yoshihiro Hirooka, Hor Sanara, Kim Soben, Satoru Kobayashi, Koki Homma. Educational Trials to Quantify Agronomic Information in Interdisciplinary Fieldwork in Pursat Province, Cambodia. Sustainability. 2022. 14. 16. 10007
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Canopy structure affects the estimation accuracy of the leaf area index when using vegetation index derived from spectral reflectance in rice
(6th International Rice Congress 2023)