J-GLOBAL ID:201601005283861991   更新日: 2024年01月30日

紺野 由希子

コンノ ユキコ | KONNO Yukiko
研究分野 (3件): 経済統計 ,  経営学 ,  金融、ファイナンス
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2015 - 2017 上場廃止の要因分析及び上場廃止が企業活動に与える影響に関する研究
論文 (12件):
  • Yukiko Konno. Research on performance forecasting bias in start-up companies. Cogent Economics & Finance. 2022. 10. 1. 1-13
  • Yukiko Konno. Factors Influencing the continuation of start-up companies. Cogent Economics & Finance. 2021. 9. 1. 1-13
  • Yukiko Konno, Yuki Itoh. Why do listed companies delist themselves voluntarily? An empirical study of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the construction and real estate industries. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction. 2018. 23. 2. 152-169
  • Yukiko Konno, Yuki Itoh. Empirical analysis of R&D in the Japanese construction industry based on the structure conduct performance model. Cogent Business and Management. 2018. 5. 1. 1-14
  • Yukiko Konno. Relationship between construction performance evaluation and contractor characteristics in Japan. Cogent Business and Management. 2018. 5. 1. 1-10
経歴 (1件):
  • 2023/04 - 成城大学 経済学部 准教授
受賞 (3件):
  • 2016 - Emerald Literati Network, 2016 Highly Commended Paper in Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, An empirical analysis of the discontinuance of business for startup contractors and property companies in Japan
  • 2015/03 - 横浜国立大学 平成26年度横浜国立大学総代・大学学生表彰・国際社会科学研究科長表彰
  • 2015 - Emerald Literati Network, 2015 Highly Commended Paper in Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, An empirical analysis of the exit of SMEs tendering for public works in the Japanese construction industry,
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