井上 暁子. "Imagination of Space and Places in Polish Travel Writing after 1989: The case of Natasza Goerke's "Before the Storm"". Slavic Eurasian Studies. 2016. 30. 67-76
井上 暁子. “Beyond the First-person Narrative: Polish literature written in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980s". Contemporary Polish Migrant Culture in Germany, Ireland and the UK. 2011. 63-79
井上 暁子. 「語りの断層-ドイツ連邦共和国におけるポーランド人作家の文学 Dislocated Narratives-Contemporary Polish Literature in the Federal Republic of Germany」. 東京大学
Multi-layered Representation of Upper Silesia in Literary Reportage: Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces around Coal Miner
(Interdisciplinary conference: Japan-Germany-Poland, Borderland and Borderland Studies as a research and social challenge 2024)