Hiroyuki Usui. Morphological dynamics of cost-efficient urban areas: Expansion and shrinkage in greater Tokyo from 2003 to 2020. Cities. 2025. 157. 105468-105468
Hiroyuki Usui. Where Should Additional City Benches be Installed to Reduce Continuous Walking Distance? Comparison of Incrementally and Simultaneously Added Installations. Transactions in GIS. 2024. online first
Hiroyuki Usui. Densely inhabited districts in consideration of 3D morphological urban areas. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2024. 115. 105668
Kanta Sayuda, Hiroyuki Usui, Yasushi Asami, Kimihiro Hino. Contiguity of underutilized lands: Dynamic simulation taking their temporary uses into account. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 2024. online first
薄井 宏行, 樋野 公宏, 真鍋 陸太郎. 完全オンライン形式でのGIS操作法の教育の現状と課題 : 東京大学工学部都市工学科におけるGIS演習の事例-Online education on GIS literacy and problems : A case of GIS exercise in the department of urban engineering, the University of Tokyo-特集 大学におけるGIS教育の急速なオンライン化 : COVID-19の感染拡大状況において. GIS-理論と応用 / 地理情報システム学会 編. 2021. 29. 2. 155-160
Usui Hiroyuki. Building height distribution under zoning regulation: theoretical derivation based on Gibrat’s Law and allometric scaling analysis. The 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG), Book of Abstracts. 2019. 211-212
A bottom-up approach for delineating urban areas: Simultaneous optimisation of criteria for building interval and built cluster size minimising the connection cost of buildings by roads
(The 22nd European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG) 2021)