Takafumi Miyazaki, István Pink. Number of solutions to a special type of unit equations in two unknowns, II. Research in Number Theory. 2024. 10. 2
Takafumi Miyazaki, István Pink. Number of solutions to a special type of unit equations in two unknowns. American Journal of Mathematics. 2024. 146. 2. 295-369
Takafumi Miyazaki, Masaki Sudo, Nobuhiro Terai. A purely exponential Diophantine equation in three unknowns. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica. 2021. 84. 2. 287-298
Takafumi Miyazaki. Coincidence between two binary recurrent sequences of polynomials arising from Diophantine triples. Tokyo Journal of Mathematics. 2019. 42. 2. 611-619
Takafumi Miyazaki. Application of cubic residue theory to an exponential equation concerning Eisenstein triples. Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. 2019. 62. 110. 305-312