ITO Nobuyoshi. Kaleidoscope of War and Peace: City of Valetta and the Mediterranean in the 20th Century. ACTA 2023, War and the City: The Effects of Armed Conflicts on Urban Space and Population, 48th International Congress of Military History, 3-8 September 2023, İstanbul, Türkiye. 2024. 2. 285-300
ITO Nobuyoshi. British Imperial Defence in the Mediterranean during the Second World War: Focusing on the Battle of Crete and the Siege of Malta. Security & Strategy. 2023. 3. 129-143
ITO Nobuyoshi. Beyond the "master-narrative" of decolonisation: Reconsidering the end of empires in the 20th century. ACTA 2021, Independence Wars since the XVIII Century: XLVI International Congress of Military History (29 August-3 September 2021, Athens). 2022. 2. 319-335
伊藤 頌文. Beyond the "Master-narrative" of Decolonisation: Reconsidering the End of Empires in the 20th Century(第46回 国際軍事史学会大会の概要). 戦史研究年報. 2022. 25. 86-100
Beyond the “Master-narrative” of Decolonisation: Reconsidering the End of Empires in the 20th Century
(XLVI International Congress of Military History 2021)