J-GLOBAL ID:201701006397983888
更新日: 2024年09月24日
WAGNER Alexander Takeshi
ワーグナー アレキサンダー タケシ | WAGNER Alexander Takeshi
ホームページURL (1件):
研究キーワード (7件):
, 宇宙流体力学
, 相対論的ジェット
, 電波銀河
, 活動銀河核
, 銀河形成
, 高性能計算
論文 (44件):
Fabbiano, G, Paggi, A, Morganti, R, Balokovic, M, Elvis, M, Mukherjee, D, Meenakshi, M, Siemiginowska, A, Murthy, S. M, Oosterloo, T. A, et al. Jet-ISM Interaction in NGC 1167/B2 0258+35, an LINER with an AGN Past. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2022. 938. 2
Meenakshi, Moun, Mukherjee, Dipanjan, Wagner, Alexander Y, Nesvadba, Nicole P. H, Bicknell, Geoffrey, V, Morganti, Raffaella, Janssen, Reinier M. J, et al. Modelling observable signatures of jet-ISM interaction: thermal emission and gas kinematics. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 2022. 516. 1. 766-786
Murthy, Suma, Morganti, Raffaella, Wagner, Alexander Y, Oosterloo, Tom, Guillard, Pierre, Mukherjee, Dipanjan, Bicknell, Geoffrey. Cold gas removal from the centre of a galaxy by a low-luminosity jet. NATURE ASTRONOMY. 2022. 6. 4. 488-495
Meenakshi, Moun, Mukherjee, Dipanjan, Wagner, Alexander Y, Nesvadba, Nicole P. H, Morganti, Raffaella, Janssen, Reinier M. J, Bicknell, Geoffrey. The extent of ionization in simulations of radio-loud AGNs impacting kpc gas discs. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 2022. 511. 2. 1622-1636
Mandal, Ankush, Mukherjee, Dipanjan, Federrath, Christoph, Nesvadba, Nicole P. H, Bicknell, Geoffrey V, Wagner, Alexander Y, Meenakshi, Moun. Impact of relativistic jets on the star formation rate: a turbulence-regulated framework. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 2021. 508. 4. 4738-4757
MISC (2件):
Dipanjan Mukherjee, Geoffrey V. Bicknell, Ralph Sutherland, Alex Wagner. Relativistic jet feedback in high-redshift galaxies I. Dynamics (vol 461, pg 967, 2016). MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 2017. 471. 3. 2790-2800
A. Y. Wagner, G. V. Bicknell. RELATIVISTIC JET FEEDBACK IN EVOLVING GALAXIES (vol 728, pg 29, 2011). ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2011. 738. 1
講演・口頭発表等 (18件):
The extreme physics of galaxy evolution: CFD simulations of relativistic jets and radiation interacting with highly compressible astrophysical gases
(EPCC-CCS Workshop 2023)
Tracing the Milky Way’s vestigial AGN jet
(Lagrange Seminar @ OCA)
Insights into the AGN feedback process using special-relativistic hydrodynamical simulations of jet-ISM interactions
(The 9th East Asian Numerical Astrophysics Meeting (EANAM9))
Kpc scale AGN Feedback
(Massive Black Hole Feedback 2021 2021)
Exploring the regulation of star-formation through AGN-jet-driven turbulence
(銀河星形成研究会 2021 2021)
Works (2件):
Wagner,Alexander Takeshi 2014 - 現在
学歴 (2件):
- 2004 - 2007 リーズ大学 大学物理・天文学部 物理学部物理学科博士課程宇宙物理専攻
- 2000 - 2004 リーズ大学 大学物理・天文学部 物理学部物理学科
学位 (1件):
経歴 (6件):
所属学会 (4件):
Astronomy for Planet Earth
, 国際天文学連合
, 日本天文学会
, 理論天文学宇宙物理学懇談会