J-GLOBAL ID:201701008064376782   更新日: 2023年10月09日

市橋 拓

イチハシ タク | ichihashi Taku
研究分野 (1件): 循環器内科学
論文 (7件):
  • Tsuyoshi Ito, Taku Ichihashi, Hiroshi Fujita, Tomonori Sugiura, Junki Yamamoto, Shuichi Kitada, Kosuke Nakasuka, Yu Kawada, Nobuyuki Ohte. The impact of intraday glucose variability on coronary artery spasm in patients with dysglycemia. Heart and vessels. 2019. 34. 8. 1250-1257
  • Tsuyoshi Ito, Taku Ichihashi, Hiroshi Fujita, Tomonori Sugiura, Nobuyuki Ohte. Impact of malondialdehyde-modified low-density lipoprotein on coronary plaque vulnerability in patients not receiving lipid-lowering therapy: a whole coronary analysis with multislice-computed tomography. HEART AND VESSELS. 2018. 33. 4. 351-357
  • Tsuyoshi Ito, Yasuhiro Shintani, Taku Ichihashi, Hiroshi Fujita, Nobuyuki Ohte. Non-atherosclerotic spontaneous coronary artery dissection revascularized by intravascular ultrasonography-guided fenestration with cutting balloon angioplasty. Cardiovascular intervention and therapeutics. 2017. 32. 3. 241-243
  • Tsuyoshi Ito, Hiroshi Fujita, Taku Ichihashi, Nobuyuki Ohte. Impact of epicardial adipose tissue volume quantified by non-contrast electrocardiogram-gated computed tomography on ergonovine-induced epicardial coronary artery spasm. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. 2016. 221. 877-880
  • Taku Ichihashi, Tsuyoshi Ito, Shunsuke Murai, Noriyuki Ikehara, Hiroshi Fujita, Hisao Suda, Nobuyuki Ohte. Acute myocardial infarction due to spontaneous, localized, acute dissection of the sinus of Valsalva detected by intravascular ultrasound and electrocardiogram-gated computed tomography. HEART AND VESSELS. 2016. 31. 9. 1570-1573
学位 (1件):
  • 博士(医学) (名古屋市立大学)
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