Maki Eguchi. Analysing Dairy Farming in Japan through the TV Drama 'Natsuzora' (‘Summer Sky’). Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network (Special Issue: Climate, Creatures and COVID-19: Environment and Animals in Twenty-First Century Media Discourse). 2021. 14. 2. 8-23
The Story of a Cowherd at Ranch of Hope: From Student Activism to the Anti-Nuclear Protest in Fukushima
(XXIII Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association 2022)
Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association
, Minding Animals
, ヒトと動物の関係学会
, 日本英文学会
, 日本比較文学会
, ASLE-Japan/文学・環境学会
, 日本比較文化学会
, International Gender and Language Association
, Association for Asian Studies