- 2019/07/26 - 日本骨代謝学会 第36回日本骨代謝学会学術集会 研究奨励賞. カテプシンK阻害による多発性骨髄腫骨病変部の骨量回復プロセスにおける骨細胞の役割
- 2019/05/12 - 日本骨髄腫学会 日本骨髄腫学会 優秀ポスター賞 多発性骨髄腫患者におけるPIM2, TAK1 の重要性
- 2018/11/23 - Esmo asia Esmo asia travel grant 2018 Alteration of muscle mass after chemotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma.
- 2018/10 - ESMO asia 2018 トラベルグラント
- 2017/06/17 - Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society ANZBMS Plenary Poster Award. Osteoclasts utilize TRAIL for their NF-B activation, but TAK1 inhibition resumes TRAIL-induced apoptosis in osteoclasts.
- 2017/06/17 - Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society ANZBMS Plenary Poster Award. Osteoclasts utilize TRAIL for their NF-B activation, but TAK1 inhibition resumes TRAIL-induced apoptosis in osteoclasts.
- 2017/05 - 平成29年度日本骨髄腫学会奨励賞 活性化骨芽細胞が惹起する骨髄腫細胞のミトコンドリア障害と代謝の攪乱の分子機序
- 2016/07/21 - 日本骨代謝学会 第34回日本骨代謝学会学術集会・第3回アジア太平洋骨代謝学会議,Young investigator award. 破骨細胞はTAK1の発現誘導を介しアポトーシスを抑制しTRAILにより成熟活性化される
- 2013/10 - 米国骨代謝学会 Plenary poster & Young Investigator Travel Award 5. Potent induction of bone formation in myeloma bone lesions by the cathepsin K inhibitor KK1-300-01 in combinat ion with the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib.
- 2013/10 - 米国骨代謝学会 Plenary poster & Young Investigator Travel Award 5. Potent induction of bone formation in myeloma bone lesions by the cathepsin K inhibitor KK1-300-01 in combinat ion with the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib.
- 2011/09/21 - 米国骨代謝学会 4. Hiasa M, Nakano A, Watanabe K, Qu C, Harada T, Fujii S, Miki H, Nakamura S, Kagawa K, Takeuchi K, Tanaka E, Asaoka K, Ozaki S, Matsumoto T, Abe M: Prevention of tumor growth and bone destruction in myeloma by Pim kinase inhibition.
- 2011/09/21 - 米国骨代謝学会 4. Hiasa M, Nakano A, Watanabe K, Qu C, Harada T, Fujii S, Miki H, Nakamura S, Kagawa K, Takeuchi K, Tanaka E, Asaoka K, Ozaki S, Matsumoto T, Abe M: Prevention of tumor growth and bone destruction in myeloma by Pim kinase inhibition.
- 2011/07/30 - 日本骨代謝学会 高得点演題賞 Pimキナーゼの阻害は骨芽細胞分化を促進し,骨髄腫骨病変の形成と腫瘍進展を抑制する
- 2011/07/30 - 第29回日本骨代謝学会 優秀演題賞 Pimキナーゼの阻害は骨芽細胞分化を促進し,骨髄腫骨病変の形成と腫瘍進展を抑制する
- 2011/07/17 - 国際歯科研究学会日本部会 IOF-ANZBMS Travel Award. Dual effects of Pim inhibition on myeloma: induction of bone formation and tumor suppression
- 2011/07/17 - 国際歯科研究学会日本部会 IOF-ANZBMS Travel Award. Dual effects of Pim inhibition on myeloma: induction of bone formation and tumor suppression
- 2010/12/06 - 52nd ASH 52nd ASH Travel Award An acidic milieu created in myeloma-osteoclast interaction enhances tumor growth, but triggers anti-myeloma activity of Reveromycin A, a novel anti-resorptive agent
- 2010/12/06 - 52nd ASH 52nd ASH Travel Award An acidic milieu created in myeloma-osteoclast interaction enhances tumor growth, but triggers anti-myeloma activity of Reveromycin A, a novel anti-resorptive agent
- 2010/09/22 - 10th International Conference Cancer-Induced Bone Disease Travel Grant Award, 2010. The novel anti-resorptive agent reveromycin A ameliorates bone destruction and tumor growth in myeloma
- 2010/09/22 - 10th International Conference Cancer-Induced Bone Disease Travel Grant Award, 2010. The novel anti-resorptive agent reveromycin A ameliorates bone destruction and tumor growth in myeloma