Mitsuru Abe, Yuko Yashima, Masako Seki, Tsunehisa Miki, Masakazu Nishida. Instrumental analyses of constituent biopolymers in cypress after various chemical treatments for delignification. Industrial Crops and Products. 2024. 212. 118327-118327
Masako Seki, Yuko Yashima, Daisuke Shimamoto, Mitsuru Abe, Tsunehisa Miki, Masakazu Nishida. The influence of the solvent removal process on subsequent molding of impregnated wood with melamine formaldehyde resin. Wood Science and Technology. 2023
Masakazu Nishida, Mitsuru Abe, Masako Seki, Tsunehisa Miki, Hiroyuki Sugimoto. Variable-temperature solid-state NMR analysis of woody materials in the presence of small hydroxyl molecules. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. 2023. 43. 4. 1-9
Masako Seki, Yuko Yashima, Mitsuru Abe, Tsunehisa Miki, Masakazu Nishida. Influence of delignification on plastic flow deformation of wood. Cellulose. 2022. 29. 7. 4153-4165
Ester and ether derivatization of cellulose using ionic liquids and related solvent systems
(The 4th International Cellulose Conference (ICC2017) 2017)
2013/09 - 3rd EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference (EPNOE 2013) Prize for Oral Presentation "Novel hydroxide solutions for cellulose dissolution at room temperature”
2013/04 - 5th Congress on Ionic Liquids (COIL-V) Poster Award “Tetra-n-butylphosphonium Hydroxide Enables Extraction of Cellulose from Wet Biomass under Mild Condition”