J-GLOBAL ID:201801004524542866   更新日: 2024年05月17日

緒方 芳子

Ogata Yoshiko
研究分野 (1件): 数理解析学
論文 (41件):
  • Yoshiko Ogata. Classification of gapped ground state phases in quantum spin systems. International Congress of Mathematicians. 2023. 4142-4161
  • Yoshiko Ogata. Type of Local von Neumann Algebras in Abelian Quantum Double Models. Annales Henri Poincaré. 2023
  • Yoshiko Ogata. 2D Fermionic SPT with CRT symmetry. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2023. 64. 9
  • Yoshiko Ogata. An Invariant of Symmetry Protected Topological Phases with On-Site Finite Group Symmetry for Two-Dimensional Fermion Systems. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2022. 395. 1. 405-457
  • Pieter Naaijkens, Yoshiko Ogata. The Split and Approximate Split Property in 2D Systems: Stability and Absence of Superselection Sectors. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2022. 392. 3. 921-950
MISC (2件):
  • 緒方 芳子. Transport properties of quantum systems (作用素環論の展開 Development of Operator Algebras RIMS研究集会報告集). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2005. 1459. 14-27
  • 緒方 芳子. The Stability of the Non-Equilibrium Steady States (作用素環における量子解析の展開 研究集会報告集). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2004. 1354. 53-67
講演・口頭発表等 (46件):
  • Boundary states of a bulk gapped ground state in 2d quantum spin systems
    (Subfactors and Fusion (2-)Categories 2023)
  • Boundary states of a bulk gapped ground state in 2-d quantum spin systems
    (Topological Quantum Computation, ICMS Edinburgh 2023)
  • Operator algebraic approach to topological phases
    (Mathematical Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics ETH Zurich 2023)
  • Operator algebraic approach to topological phases
    (Operator Algebras: Subfactors and Applications Cambridge 2023)
  • Operator algebraic approach to topological phases
    (Where mathematics meets quantum physics Rome 2023)
受賞 (7件):
  • 2024/05 - 女性科学者に明るい未来をの会 猿橋賞 量子多体系の数学的研究
  • 2024/04 - 文部科学大臣表彰 文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞 研究部門 量子スピン系の研究
  • 2022/09 - 日本数学会 2022年度日本数学会賞秋季賞 量子スピン系の研究
  • 2021/08 - International Association of Mathematical Physics Henri Poincaré Prize
  • 井上学術振興財団 第2回井上リサーチアウォード
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