Airi Ino-Kondo, Hitoshi Hotokezaka, Takanobu Kondo, Keira Arizono, Megumi Hashimoto, Yuka Hotokezaka, Takeshi Kurohama, Yukiko Morita, Noriaki Yoshida. Lithium chloride reduces orthodontically induced root resorption and affects tooth root movement in rats. The Angle orthodontist. 2018. 88. 4. 474-482
Takanobu Kondo, Hitoshi Hotokezaka, Ryo Hamanaka, Megumi Hashimoto, Takako Nakano-Tajima, Kotaro Arita, Takeshi Kurohama, Airi Ino, Jun-Ya Tominaga, Noriaki Yoshida. Types of tooth movement, bodily or tipping, do not affect the displacement of the tooth's center of resistance but do affect the alveolar bone resorption. The Angle orthodontist. 2017. 87. 4. 563-569
Takeshi Kurohama, Hitoshi Hotokezaka, Megumi Hashimoto, Takako Tajima, Kotaro Arita, Takanobu Kondo, Airi Ino, Noriaki Yoshida. Increasing the amount of corticotomy does not affect orthodontic tooth movement or root resorption, but accelerates alveolar bone resorption in rats. European journal of orthodontics. 2017. 39. 3. 277-286
Lithium chloride affects tooth root movement and reduces root resorption by orthodontic force in rats.
(93rd Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2018)
(第13回九州矯正歯科学会学術大会 2018)
(第57回日本核医学会学術総会 2017)
Types of tooth movement do not affect displacement of the centre of resistance but do alveolar bone resorption in a rat model.
(93rd Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2017)