J-GLOBAL ID:201801006203035000   更新日: 2024年03月04日

Altaf-Ul-Amin Md.

Altaf-Ul-Amin Md.
研究分野 (1件): 生命、健康、医療情報学
論文 (121件):
  • Mahfujul Islam Rumman, Naoaki Ono, Kenoki Ohuchida, MD. Altaf-Ul-Amin, Ming Huang, Shigehiko Kanaya. Information maximization-based clustering of histopathology images using deep learning. PLOS Digital Health. 2023. 2. 12. e0000391-e0000391
  • Zheng Chen, Ziwei Yang, Lingwei Zhu, Peng Gao, Takashi Matsubara, Shigehiko Kanaya, Md Altaf-Ul-Amin. Learning vector quantized representation for cancer subtypes identification. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2023. 236. 107543-107543
  • Huijia Wang, Guangxian Zhu, Leighton T. Izu, Ye Chen-Izu, Naoaki Ono, MD Altaf-Ul-Amin, Shigehiko Kanaya, Ming Huang. On QSAR-based cardiotoxicity modeling with the expressiveness-enhanced graph learning model and dual-threshold scheme. Frontiers in Physiology. 2023. 14
  • Sony Hartono Wijaya, Ahmad Kamal Nasution, Irmanida Batubara, Pei Gao, Ming Huang, Naoaki Ono, Shigehiko Kanaya, Md. Altaf-Ul-Amin. Deep Learning Approach for Predicting the Therapeutic Usages of Unani Formulas towards Finding Essential Compounds. Life. 2023. 13. 2. 439-439
  • Keisuke Wakakuri, Yudai Taguchi, Daiki Koge, Naoaki Ono, Md. Altaf-Ul-Amin, Shigehiko Kanaya. Molecular Graph Indexes for Assessing Heterogeneity of Chemical Compounds. Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry. 2023. 23. 50-59
MISC (12件):
  • Kang Liu, Altaf-Ul-Amin Md., 森田(平井) 晶, 小野 直亮, 金谷 重彦. 世界の食材のアクセッシビリティによる地域区分 : おいしさの多様性は理解できるか? (食品のおいしさと健康にかかわるデータサイエンス : データ解析による健康、長寿とおいしい食品の関係について). 明日の食品産業 = Food industry for tomorrow. 2017. 2017. 6. 24-29
  • 金谷 重彦, 平井 晶, 高橋 弘喜, ALTAF-UL-AMIN Md., 中村 建介. 生物代謝物データベースKNApSAcK : 世界の薬用/食用植物の悉皆的代謝物解析に向けて. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SIS, スマートインフォメディアシステム. 2010. 110. 322. 71-76
  • Tuji Hisashi, Altaf-Ul-Amin Md, Arita Masanori, Nishio Hirokazu, Shinbo Yoko, Kurokawa Ken, Kanaya Shigehiko. Comparison of Protein Complexes Predicted from PPI Networks by DPClus and Newman Clustering Algorithms. Information and Media Technologies. 2007. 2. 1. 98-108
  • 田中 健一, 真保 陽子, Md. Altaf-Ul-Amin, 旭 弘子, 黒川 顕, 平井 晶, 有田 正規, 太田 大策, 金谷 重彦. 構造情報に基づいたメタボライト分類支援システムの開発. 情報化学討論会講演要旨集. 2007. 2007. 0. JP32-JP32
  • Maeno Hijiri, Altaf-Ul-Amin Md., Shinbo Yoko, KUROKAWA KEN, OGASAWARA NAOTAKE, KANAYA SHIGEHIKO. Elucidating Conservation of Genes in Multiple Genomes Based on Graphs Configured by Bidirectional Best-Hit Relationships. 情報処理学会論文誌. SIG. 2006. 47. 17. 1-11
講演・口頭発表等 (75件):
  • Prediction of Plant-disease Relations Based on Unani Formulas by Network Analysis
    (IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering 2018)
  • A Network based approach to predict functions of metabolites
    (International Conference of Molecular Genetics, Metabolomics & Integrative Biology 2018)
  • Interpretation of metabolomics and transcriptomics insurvival strategy of angelica acutilaba attacked by Papilio Machaon Hippocrate
    (International Conference on Molecular Genetics, Metabolomics & Integrative Biology 2018)
  • Classification of species by bi-clustering based on emitting volatile organic compounds
    (APBC 2018 2018)
  • Development of Clustering method using Factor Analysis based on Gene Expression of Functional Sets
    (APBC 2018 2018)
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