J-GLOBAL ID:201801008057326360   更新日: 2024年04月11日

後藤 伸彦

Goto Nobuhiko
ホームページURL (2件): https://gotolab.super.site/https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nobuhiko_Goto
研究分野 (1件): 社会心理学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
  • 2022 - 2027 所属集団の多さと顕在・潜在的自尊感情の関連及び主観的well-beingへの影響
  • 2019 - 2024 少数派排斥の心理的メカニズムを解明し多文化共生の方策を考案するための国際共同研究
  • 2019 - 2023 社会的アイデンティティの多寡と実行機能の関係と高齢者の実行機能維持への応用可能性
  • 2019 - 2023 ASD学生の能力・才能を専門職就労へとつなげる専門教育-キャリア支援モデルの創出
論文 (16件):
  • Kelly Kirkland, Charlie R. Crimston, Jolanda Jetten, Maksim Rudnev, Cesar Acevedo-Triana, Catherine E. Amiot, Liisi Ausmees, Peter Baguma, Oumar Barry, Maja Becker, et al. Moral Expansiveness Around the World: The Role of Societal Factors Across 36 Countries. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 2023. 14. 3. 194855062211017-194855062211017
  • Kelly Kirkland, Paul A.M. Van Lange, Niels J. Van Doesum, Cesar Acevedo-Triana, Catherine E. Amiot, Liisi Ausmees, Peter Baguma, Oumar Barry, Maja Becker, Michal Bilewicz, et al. Social mindfulness predicts concern for nature and immigrants across 36 nations. Scientific Reports. 2023. 12. 1
  • Matthew J. Hornsey, Samuel Pearson, Jemima Kang, Kai Sassenberg, Jolanda Jetten, Paul A.M. Van Lange, Lucia G. Medina, Catherine E. Amiot, Liisi Ausmees, Peter Baguma, et al. Multinational data show that conspiracy beliefs are associated with the perception (and reality) of poor national economic performance. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2023. 53. 1. 78-89
  • Egon Dejonckheere, Joshua J. Rhee, Peter K. Baguma, Oumar Barry, Maja Becker, Michał Bilewicz, Thomas Castelain, Giulio Costantini, Girts Dimdins, Agustín Espinosa, et al. Perceiving societal pressure to be happy is linked to poor well-being, especially in happy nations. Scientific Reports. 2022. 12. 1
  • Porntida Tanjitpiyanond, Jolanda Jetten, Kim Peters, Ashwini Ashokkumar, Oumar Barry, Matthew Billet, Maja Becker, Robert W. Booth, Diego Castro, Juana Chinchilla, et al. A 32-society investigation of the influence of perceived economic inequality on social class stereotyping. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2022
書籍 (5件):
  • Exploring Emotions in Social Life
    Routledge 2023 ISBN:1032305231
  • Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences
    Springer 2020 ISBN:3319246100
  • 責任と法意識の人間科学
    勁草書房 2018 ISBN:4326403497
  • 責任と法意識の人間科学
    勁草書房 2018 ISBN:4326403497
  • 紛争と平和構築の社会心理学: 集団間の葛藤とその解決
    北大路書房 2012 ISBN:4762827878
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