Ichiro Takahashi, Isamu Okada. An Artificial Wicksell--Keynes economy integrating short-run business cycle and long-term cumulative trend. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination. 2020. 15. 2. 953-998
Isamu Okada, Ichiro Takahashi. Exploring Optimal Wage Incentive System Using ABS. AGENT-BASED APPROACHES IN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMPLEX SYSTEMS VIII. 2015. 131-142
I. Takahashi, E. K. Takahashi. A Disequilibrium Multi-Country Macroeconomic Model with Agent-Based Portfolio Investors. SSRN 2345981. 2013
I. Takahashi, I. Okada. Business cycle in Agent-based simulation. Proceedings of AESCS2012. 2012. 32-43