Erik Schicketanz (施陸). 民國時期救劫思想與政治論述 -以悟善社與救世新教為中心. 扶鸞文化與民眾宗教國際學術研討會論文集. 2020
Erik Schicketanz. Narratives of Buddhist decline and the concept of the sect (zong) in modern Chinese Buddhist thought. Studies in Chinese Religions. 2017. 3. 3. 281-300
Erik Schicketanz. Wang Hongyuan and the Import of Japanese Esoteric Buddhism to China during the Republican Period. Buddhism Across Asia: Networks of Material, Intellectual and Cultural Exchange. 2014. vol. 1
エリック シッケタンツ. 書評 Hwansoo Ilmee Kim : The Korean Buddhist Empire : A Transnational History 1910-1945. 近代仏教 / 日本近代仏教史研究会 編. 2020. 27. 71-76
エリック・シッケタンツ. 書評:Hwansoo Ilmee Kim著『The Korean Buddhist Empire』. 近代仏教. 2020. 71-76
Erik Schicketanz. Review of Anderson, Emily, Christianity and Imperialism in Modern Japan: Empire for God. H-Shukyo, H-Net Reviews. H-Net Reviews. 2016