亀岡 淳一, 芦田 ルリ, 柿坂 庸介, 野中 泉, 中村 豊, 大野 勲. Writing と医療面接に力点を置いた東北医科薬科大学の 医学英語教育:対面授業と遠隔授業の違いを含めて. Journal of Medical English Education. 2021. 20. 3. 69-79
Ruri Ashida, Junji Otaki. Survey of Japanese Medical Schools on Involvement of English-speaking Simulated Patients to Improve Students' Patient Communication Skills. Teaching and learning in medicine. 2021. 1-8
Alan Hauk, Kazutoshi Shibuya, James Hobbs, Walter Davies, Ruri Ashida. Working together: Clinicians and English Teachers. Journal of Medical English Education. 2016. 15. 3. 84-87
Ruri Ashida, Christine D. Kuramoto, Kunihiko Fukuda. Training clinical students through interviews with English-speaking simulated patients and giving case presentations to clinicians. Journal of Medical English Education. 2015. 14. 3. 117-121
Ruri Ashida. Subconscious Mind Revealed through Distorted Communication-- Eavesdropping in Much Ado about Nothing. 融合文化研究. 2015. 22. 78-83
芦田 ルリ, 福田 国彦, 南沢 享, 大石 公彦. 医学学習の海外選択 医師の「国際化」に寄与するのか(Medical electives abroad: Do they contribute to the "globalization" of physicians?). Journal of Medical English Education. 2018. 17. 2. 40-40
石川和信, 芦田ルリ. King’s College London (KCL) Chantler Simulation & Interactive Learning Centre 視察報告. 国内外の医療系学部等におけるシミュレーション教育・研修に関する調査研究(文部科学省大学における医療人養成の在り方に関する調査研究委託事業)医学教育学会,. 2017. 103-114
Alan Hauk, Kazutoshi Shibuya, James Hobbs, Walter Davies, Ruri Ashida. <Symposium> Working together: Clinicians and English teachers. Japan Association of Medical English Education. 2016. 15. 3. 84-87
Training faculty to care for foreign patients, with cultural humility: A need for the 2020 Olympics
(International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions 2019)
A survey of cases in emergency rooms to create educational scenarios for developing cultural humility
(16th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2019)
救急外来における 外国人患者の受け入れ状況とその問題点について
(救急医学学会学術総会 2018)
Cultural competencyの涵養を目的としたシミュレーション教育の開発
(日本医学教育学会大会 2018)