J-GLOBAL ID:201801011252048472   更新日: 2022年07月23日

エレノア カーソン

Carson Eleanor
論文 (13件):
  • エレノア・カーソン. NESTs, JTEs, students, and time: Differences in MOI attitudes. Language Teaching in a Global Age: Shaping the Classroom, Shaping the World. 2018. 262-272
  • エレノア・カーソン. Student EFL Development: Changes in L1 Preferences and L2 Proficiency. 松山大学 言語文化研究. 2018. 37. 2. 93-132
  • The influence of the teaching English in English policy on English education and learners. 大学英語教育学会中国・四国支部研究紀要. 2017. 14. 1. 19-36
  • Carson E, EFL student, preference changes, Pro ciencytime, In P, Clements A, Krause H, Brown Eds, Focus on the learner, Tokyo: JALT. EFL student L1 preference changes: Proficiency and time. Focus on the learner. 2016. 169-177
  • Carson E. Introducing a New Scale: Student Preferences for Instructional Language (SPIL). 大学英語教育学会中国・四国支部研究紀要 [JACET Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter Research Bulletin (JACET-CSCRB)]. 2015. 12. 1. 19-36
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