J-GLOBAL ID:201801013365044360   更新日: 2024年02月01日

渡邉 むつみ

Watanabe Mutsumi
研究分野 (1件): 植物分子、生理科学
研究キーワード (5件): 植物二次代謝 ,  栄養欠乏応答 ,  メタボロミクス ,  アミノ酸代謝 ,  硫黄同化系
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2023 - 2025 硫黄欠乏応答遺伝子群の機能分化解析
  • 2019 - 2022 栄養欠乏応答性のアブラナ科植物種間比較解析
論文 (56件):
  • Mutsumi Watanabe, Takayuki Tohge. Species-specific ‘specialized’ genomic region provides the new insights into the functional genomics characterizing metabolic polymorphisms in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2023. 75. 102427-102427
  • Yue Jing, Mutsumi Watanabe, Fayezeh Aarabi, Alisdair R Fernie, Monica Borghi, Takayuki Tohge. Cross-Species Metabolomic Analyses in the Brassicaceae Reveals Common Responses to Ultraviolet-B Exposure. Plant And Cell Physiology. 2023
  • Selin Buelbuel, Yasuhito Sakuraba, Mastoureh Sedaghatmehr, Mutsumi Watanabe, Rainer Hoefgen, Salma Balazadeh, Bernd Mueller-Roeber. Arabidopsis BBX14 negatively regulates nitrogen starvation- and dark-induced leaf senescence. The Plant Journal. 2023
  • Tahereh A. Aghajanzadeh, Mutsumi Watanabe, Takayuki Tohge, Malcolm J. Hawkesford, Alisdair R. Fernie, Rainer Hoefgen, J. Theo, M. Elzenga, Luit J. De Kok. Necrotrophic fungal infection affects indolic glucosinolate metabolism in Brassica rapa. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2023. 45. 64
  • Fayezeh Aarabi, Apidet Rakpenthai, Rouhollah Barahimipour, Michal Gorka, Saleh Alseekh, Youjun Zhang, Mohamed A Salem, Franziska Brückner, Nooshin Omranian, Mutsumi Watanabe, et al. Sulfur deficiency-induced genes affect seed protein accumulation and composition under sulfate deprivation. Plant physiology. 2021. 187. 4. 2419-2434
書籍 (12件):
  • Chapter 11: Serine acetyltransferase.
    In “Amino Acids in Higher Plants” D'Mello JPF., eds: pp 195-218, CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon. (2015)
  • Functional analysis of serine acetyltransferase genes (Serat) involved in sulfur assimilation in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    In “Sulfur Transport and Assimilation in Plants in the Post Genomics Eras” Saito K., De Kok LJ., Stulen I., Hawkesford MJ., Schnug E., Sirko A., Rennenberg H., eds: pp 99-101, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. (2005)
  • T-DNA insertion mutant of ATP sulfurylase, the first enzyme of sulfur assimilatory metabolism, in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    In “Sulfur Transport and Assimilation in Plants in the Post Genomics Eras” Saito K., De Kok LJ., Stulen I., Hawkesford MJ., Schnug E., Sirko A., Rennenberg H., eds: pp 81-82, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. (2005)
  • Cysteine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis: comprehensive reverse genetic study on the functions of BSAS and SERAT gene families.
    In "Sulfur Metabolism in Plants" Sirko A., De Kok LJ., Haneklaus S., Hawkesford MJ., Rennenberg H., Saito K., Schnug E., Stulen I., eds: pp 201-206, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. (2009)
  • Plant response to mineral ion availability: transcriptome responses to sulfate, selenium and iron.
    In “Sulfur Metabolism in Plants, Proceedings of the International Sulfur Workshop” De Kok LJ., Tabe L., Tausz M., Hawkesford MJ., Hoefgen R., McManus MT., Norton RM., Rennenberg H., Saito K., Schnug E., eds: pp 123-134, Springer, Dordrecht. (2012)
講演・口頭発表等 (34件):
  • 栄養欠乏応答性のアブラナ科植物種間比較解析
    (第40回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会(千葉)大会 2023)
  • Cross-species wide functional analysis of MYB transcriptional regulators in the phenylpropanoid pathway
    (第40回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会(千葉)大会 2023)
  • 野生種トマトの葉で特異的に産生するポリフェノール化合物の蓄積機構の解析
    (第40回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会(千葉)大会 2023)
  • 硫黄欠乏応答遺伝子の植物種間比較機能解析
    (第40回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会(千葉)大会 2023)
  • ダイズの硫黄欠乏応答遺伝子の機能解析
    (日本植物生理学会年会 2023)
経歴 (2件):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 植物二次代謝研究室 特別研究員
  • 2018/10 - 2022/03 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 植物二次代謝研究室 博士研究員
所属学会 (2件):
日本植物生理学会 ,  日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会
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