Hiroshi Une, Takayuki Nakano, Satoshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi P. Sato, Hiroshi Yagi. Surface Ruptures in the Northwest of the Outer Aso Caldera. Surface Ruptures Associated with the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Sequence in Southwest Japan. 2022. 205-211
佐藤 浩, 小村 慶太朗, 宇根 寛, 中埜 貴元, 八木 浩司. トレンチ調査による阿蘇外輪山北西域の的石牧場I断層の変位の累積性の検討-Study on Cumulative Activities of Passively Ruptured Faults through a Trenching Survey at the Matoishi Bokujo I Fault, Northwest Side of the Aso Caldera, Southwestern Japan. 地理学評論. [Series A] / 日本地理学会 編. 2021. 94. 4. 250-264