J-GLOBAL ID:201801015077536669   更新日: 2024年03月02日

竹上 靖彦

タケガミ ヤスヒコ | Yasuhiko Takegami
職名: 病院講師
研究分野 (1件): 整形外科学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
  • 2022 - 2025 運動器疾患をターゲットとした生活習慣・栄養摂取に関するバイオマーカー探索
  • 2021 - 2024 Wntシグナル経路の至適な活性化による大腿骨頭壊死症の新規治療法の応用開発
  • 2018 - 2021 R-spondin2を通じた変形性関節症の分子機構の解明とその治療薬の応用開発
論文 (135件):
  • Hidetoshi Tsugeno, Yasuhiko Takegami, Katsuhiro Tokutake, Kenichi Mishima, Hiroaki Nakashima, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Shiro Imagama. Comparing short vs. intermediate and long nails in elderly patients with unstable multifragmental femoral trochanteric fractures (AO type A2): Multicenter (TRON group) retrospective study. Injury. 2024. 55. 4. 111420-111420
  • Kanta Hasegawa, Yasuhiko Takegami, Katsuhiro Tokutake, Hiroaki Nakashima, Kenichi Mishima, Kazuyoshi Kobayashi, Shiro Imagama. Early versus delayed weight bearing after internal fixation for femoral neck fracture in younger adults: A multicenter retrospective study. Injury. 2024. 55. 2. 111292-111292
  • Kentaro Komaki, Yasuhiko Takegami, Katsuhiro Tokutake, Masahiro Hanabayashi, Yutaro Kuwahara, Yotaro Yamada, Shiro Imagama. Early weight bearing versus late weight bearing after intramedullary nailing for distal femoral fracture (AO/OTA 33) in elderly patients: A multicenter propensity-matched study. Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association. 2024. 29. 1. 268-272
  • Keita Shimizu, Yasuhiko Takegami, Katsuhiro Tokutake, Keita Naruse, Yoshito Sudo, Yuji Matsubara, Shiro Imagama. What factors are associated with loss of alignment after open reduction and internal fixation for tibial plateau fractures? A retrospective multicenter (TRON group) study. Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association. 2024. 29. 1. 286-291
  • Hiroshi Kurokawa, Yasuhiko Takegami, Katsuhiro Tokutake, Hideomi Takami, Manato Iwata, Satoshi Terasawa, Hidenori Inoue, Shiro Imagama. Predictive factors for one-year mortality after surgery for periprosthetic femoral fracture: A retrospective multicenter (TRON group) study. Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association. 2024. 29. 1. 299-305
MISC (55件):
学位 (1件):
  • 博士 (名古屋大学)
受賞 (2件):
  • 2023/10 - 日本股関節学会 最優秀演題賞
  • 2015/10 - 日本整形外科基礎学術集会 優秀賞
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