Namikawa, T, Tani, I, Kumagai, R, Nakane, A, Wakita, T, Noguchi, H. Cross-sectional study of developmental changes in the Five-Factor personality model in Japan. Abstracts of the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology. 2010. 1436-1436
Tani, I, Namikawa, T, Wakita, T, Kumagai, R, Nakane, A, Noguchi, H. Construction of IRT scales for the Five- Factor personality scale in Japan and examination of the short-form of the scale. Abstracts of the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology. 2010. 1429
Tani, I, Noguchi, H, Nakane, A, Kumagai, R, Namikawa, T, Wakita, T. Personality Traits Change in Adolecentce and Adulthood in Japan. 15th European Conference on Personality. 2010. 59-59