Shun'ichi Honda, Masatomo Takahashi, Haiou Yu. Bertrand and Mannheim curves of framed curves in the 4-dimensional Euclidean space. Journal of Geometry. 2023. 114. 2. 12
Daichi Komori, Shun'ichi Honda, Keisuke Yoshida, Takao Namiki, Toru Ohmoto. A case study of mathematics educations using WeBWorK in Hokkaido University. IIAI Letters on Informatics and Interdisciplinary Research. 2022. 1. LIIR026
Shun’ichi Honda, Masatomo Takahashi. Bertrand and Mannheim curves of framed curves in the3-dimensional Euclidean space. Turkish Journal of Mathematics. 2020. 44. 3. 883-899