研究キーワード (4件):
Discrete Time Markovial Process
, Stochastic simulation
, Mathematical modeling
, Infectious Disease
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
2018 - 2020 Potential impact of asymptomatic and sexual transmission on Ebola and Zika epidemics
論文 (10件):
ヒョジョン リ. Real time forecasting of measles using generation-specific number of cases in Japan, 2018. PLoS Curr Outbreaks. 2018
ヒョジョン リ. A multi-country outbreak of measles in Japan and Taiwan, China, March-April, 2018. Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal. 2018
ヒョジョン リ. Potential effects of climate change on dengue transmission dynamics in Korea. PLoS ONE. 2018. 13. 6. e0199205
ヒョジョン リ. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction number of diphtheria: A case study of Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh, November-December 2017. PeerJ. 2018. 6. e4583
Stochastic Methods for Epidemic Models: An Application to the 2009 H1N1 Influenza model in Korea
(Joint Mathematics Meeting 2017)
Deterministic and Stochastic modeling of the transmission dynamics of dengue fever in Korea with seasonality
(International Conference for Korean Mathematical Society (KMS) 2016)
Computational and mathematical methods with applications to stochastic H1N1 influenza models
(Joint Meeting of the China-Japan-Korea Colloquium on Mathematical Biology and the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology 2015)
Stochastic methods for the epidemic spread models
(Women in Mathematical Sciences (KWMS) 2015)
A Deterministic Model of the Spread of Dengue Fever Caused by Climate Changes in Korea
(Korean Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (KSIAM) 2014)
2011 - 2017 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) Ph.D.,Department of Mathematical Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Sciences
2005 - 2009 Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea Department of Statistics Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc.), Statistics, Mathematics (Double majors)
学位 (1件):
PhD (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST))
経歴 (3件):
2018/03 - 現在 Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan Department of Hygiene, Graduate School of Medicine Assistant Professor
2017/04 - 2018/03 Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan Department of Hygiene, Graduate School of Medicine Postdoctoral research fellow
2017/03 - 2017/03 ◦Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, Korea ◦Department of Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Associate
受賞 (3件):
2014/11 - Korean Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Poster presentation prize
2014/06 - Korean Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Poster presentation prize
2012/03 - Korea Finance Corporation (KoFC) undergraduate/graduate student paper competitions 1st prize Mezzanine finance for business