Maria Yotova. The “goodness” of homemade Yogurt: self-provisioning as sustainable food practices in post-socialist Bulgaria. Local Environment. 2017. 23. 11. 1063-1074
Maria Yotova. Ethnographic heritage as a branding strategy: a case study of yogurt in Bulgaria and Japan. Global Economic Review. 2017. 47. 1. 47-62
Yotova Maria, Utsunomiya Yuka, Park Kyoung-Hee. Acceptance of Milk and Dairy Products in Rice-Centered Food Cultures : A Comparative Study of Consumer Practices in South Korea and Japan. 立命館食科学研究. 2022. 7. 319-330
Voices from the Outskirts of Europe: Producing “Grandmother’s Yogurt” in Post-socialist Bulgaria
(International Conference "Pastoralism: Traditions and Modernity. Anthropological, Ecological and Social Aspects" 2019)
In pursuit of the real taste: Consumer preferences and homemade food practices in post-socialist Bulgaria
(15th EASA Conference “Staying, Moving, Settling” 2018)
From a distasteful food to a health-giving substance: the making of Bulgarian yogurt in Japan
(Scales of Alimentation between Europe and Asia: Connections, Syncretism, Fusions 2017)
School lunch as part of food education: promoting local food and national culture in Japan
(The Asian Food Study Conference "Exchange and Dynamism of Food Culture in Asia - Past, Present and Future" 2016)
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)
, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES)
, Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ)
, 早稲田文化人類学会
, 比較文明学会