J-GLOBAL ID:201801018537749274   更新日: 2023年10月05日

渡邉 和秀

Watanabe Kazuhide
論文 (38件):
  • Watanabe Kazuhide, Panchy Nicholas, Noguchi Shuhei, Suzuki Harukazu, Hong Tian. Combinatorial perturbation analysis reveals divergent regulations of mesenchymal genes during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. NPJ SYSTEMS BIOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS. 2019. 5
  • Watanabe Kazuhide, Liu Ye, Noguchi Shuhei, Murray Madeleine, Chang Jen-Chien, Kishima Mami, Nishimura Hajime, Hashimoto Kosuke, Minoda Aki, Suzuki Harukazu. OVOL2 induces mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition in fibroblasts and enhances cell-state reprogramming towards epithelial lineages. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2019. 9. 1
  • Igarashi Miki, Watanabe Kazuhide, Tsuduki Tsuyoshi, Kimura Ikuo, Kubota Naoto. NAPE-PLD controls OEA synthesis and fat absorption by regulating lipoprotein synthesis in an in vitro model of intestinal epithelial cells. FASEB JOURNAL. 2019. 33. 3. 3167-3179
  • Kaczkowski Bogumil, Watanabe Kazuhide, Carninci Piero. Possible implications of REP522 repeat element family in cancer biology. HUMAN GENOMICS. 2018. 12
  • Chang Jen-Chien, Watanabe Kazuhide, Umehara Takashi, Taniguchi Yuichi, Sato Yuko, Kimura Hiroshi, Minoda Akiko. Mapping Combinatorial Epigenetic Modifications at Single Nucleosome Resolution. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2018. 114. 3. 254A-254a
所属学会 (2件):
American Society for Cell Biology ,  日本分子生物学会
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