Nobuo Matsuura, Hiroshi Yokomichi, Yoshiya Ito, Shigeru Suzuki, Mie Mochizuki. Mortality in childhood-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus with onset between 1959 and 1996: A population-based study in Hokkaido, Japan. Diabetology International. 2024. 15. 2. 262-269
Hiroshi Yokomichi, Mie Mochizuki, Shigeru Suzuk, Yoshiya Ito, Tomoyuki Hotsubo, Nobuo Matsuura. Mortality rate and standardized mortality ratio of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes according to incidentally detected non-acute-onset or acute-onset subtype, sex, and onset age: A cohort study. Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology. 2024
Hiroshi Yokomichi, Mie Mochizuki, Joseph Jonathan Lee, Reiji Kojima, Sayaka Horiuchi, Tadao Ooka, Zentaro Yamagata. Antibiotic prescription for outpatients with influenza and subsequent hospitalisation: A cohort study using insurance data. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 2023. 17. 11. e13221
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2007/06 - 第33回国際小児思春期糖尿病学会. ベルリン Travel Grant 日本人1型糖尿病患者の動脈硬化指標
2004/06 - 第30回国際小児思春期糖尿病学会. シンガポール Travel Grant 日本人1型糖尿病のレニン前駆体と血管合併症