研究キーワード (9件):
Performing Arts
, Arts Education
, Economics of the Arts
, Cultural Economics
, パフォーミングアーツ
, 芸術教育
, 芸術政策
, 文化経済学
, 文化政策
論文 (7件):
Evaluating the Contributions of the Arts to Individual Life Development and Social Well-being. 2019
Effect of Out-of-School Activities on Selected Future Outcomes. 2018
An Effect of Performing Arts on Happiness in Western Japan: Quantile Regression Analysis. International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS). 2018. 4. 2. 14-20
鈴木星良, 小川歩人, 常盤正紀, 関屋弥生. モスクワにおける現代アートと社会-ファブリカの事例を通して. Arts and Media vol.7. 2017. 7. 252-258
Arts Experience and Life Satisfaction
(The 16th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association 2018)
Effects of Performing Arts on Happiness: Empirical Analysis of Selected Sites in Japan
(International Conference on Arts, Education and Social Science(ICAES) 2017)
What Promotes the Demand for the Performing Arts in Japan?
(The 15th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association 2016)
(日本教育社会学会 2016)
The Effect of Out-of-School Activities on Selected Future Outcomes, Using Path Analysis
(International Symposium on Culture, Arts, and Literature 2016)