J-GLOBAL ID:201901002831145313
更新日: 2024年01月30日
福田 真二
フクダ シンジ | Fukuda Shinji
研究キーワード (6件):
, 文法障害
, 言語発達障害
, 言語発達
, 言語獲得
, バイリンガリズム
競争的資金等の研究課題 (5件):
- 2014 - 2017 発話における流暢性の発達モデルの開発
- 2010 - 2012 特異的言語発達障害児等の補助ストラテジーに関する心理言語学的研究
- 2007 - 2009 日本語の特異的言語発達障害の特徴および指導法に関する言語学的研究
- 2004 - 2006 日本語の特異的言語発達障害の特微および評価法に関する言語学的研究
- 2003 - 2006 特異的言語障害の言語学的考察による文法障害の脳内メカニズムの解明
論文 (17件):
Aimi Murao, Tomohiko Ito, Suzy E. Fukuda, Shinji Fukuda. Grammatical case-marking in Japanese children with SLI. CLINICAL LINGUISTICS & PHONETICS. 2017. 31. 7-9. 711-723
Sachiyo Matsumoto-Shimamori, Tomohiko Ito, Suzy E. Fukuda, Shinji Fukuda. The transition from the core vowels to the following segments in Japanese children who stutter: The second, third and fourth syllables. CLINICAL LINGUISTICS & PHONETICS. 2011. 25. 9. 804-813
Fukuda, S. E, S. Fukuda, T. Ito. Atypical development of the passive construction in a Japanese child with specific language impairment. Ars Linguistica. 2011. 18. 152-163
Ito, T, S. Fukuda, S. E. Fukuda. Aspect in Japanese children with SLI. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing. 2011. 14. 1. 23-29
Sakono, S, T. Ito, S. E. Fukuda, S. Fukuda. The effect of word accent production on reading performance in Japanese young children. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing. 2011. 14. 1. 51-59
MISC (14件):
福田真二. 特異的言語障害研究の現状と課題. 特殊教育学研究. 2014. 52. 4. 317-332
Fukuda, S, S. E. Fukuda. Trends in specific language impairment: A linguistic perspective. Journal of Psychological Science of Health Sciences University of Hokkaido. 2011. 7. 39-53
Ito, T, S. E. Fukuda, S. Fukuda. Creative errors in spontaneous speech in Japanese specific language impairment: A case study. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language. 2011. 258
Shimamori, S, T. Ito, S. E. Fukuda, S. Fukuda. Effect of word length on the frequency of stuttering in Japanese children who stutter. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language. 2011. 226
Sakono, S, T. Ito, S. E. Fukuda, S. Fukuda. The effect of foot + foot structure on reading performance in Japanese young children. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language. 2011. 199
書籍 (6件):
Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics
Walter de Gruyter Mouton 2015
古今社 2013
医学書院 2007
共立出版 2002
The inheritance and innateness of grammars
Oxford University Press 1997
講演・口頭発表等 (34件):
Difficulty with grammatical case-marking in Japanese children with SLI
(The 16th International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference 2016)
The Syntax Spurt and the onset of stuttering in young children: Evidence from a Japanese child
(The 16th International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference 2016)
The development of verbal morphology in Japanese typically developing children at 2 years of age
(The 15th International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association Conference 2014)
Phonological development before and after the syntax spurt in Japanese non-stuttering children
(The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2013 Convention 2013)
Segmental transitions in the first syllables in word and sentence production in children who stutter
(The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2013 Convention 2013)
学歴 (2件):
- - 2002 McGill University 言語学科(Ph.D.課程単位取得済退学)
- - 1987 中京大学 文学部 英文学科
学位 (1件):
- Master of Arts [Linguistics] (McGill University)
経歴 (5件):
- 2015/04 - 現在 北海道医療大学 リハビリテーション科学部言語聴覚療法学科 准教授
- 2007/04 - 現在 北海道医療大学 心理科学部言語聴覚療法学科 准教授
- 2007/04 - 2019/03 北海道医療大学大学院 心理科学研究科 准教授
- 2006/04 - 2007/03 北海道医療大学大学院 心理科学研究科 助教授
- 2002/04 - 2007/03 北海道医療大学 心理科学部言語聴覚療法学科 助教授