"Democracy, Higher Education, and Military Service in the United States during World War I"
(Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association(新型コロナ感染拡大のため中止:代替のオンラインセッション実施) 2021)
“For Youth and the Nation: Military Service, Access to Education, and Work in the United States, 1919-1941”
(IX International American Studies Association World Congress (スペイン) 2019)
“Towards a ‘Transwar’ Perspective on U.S. History, 1917-1945”
(招待講演、北京大学(中国) 2018)
“Rethinking the Boundaries between War and Peace: Youth, Military Service, and World War II in U.S. History”
(“‘A City upon a Hill’ versus ‘A Country of Civilization’: Comparing Chinese and American Self-Perceptions in History” Symposium(中国人民大学、中国) 2018)
“Youth, Higher Education, and National Security in Interwar America”
(アメリカ学会2018年京都プロセミナー(京都) 2018)
2018 - コロンビア大学 Bancroft Dissertation Award Nominee
2017 - Organization of American Historians Louis Pelzer Memorial Award Finalist
2015 - American Political History Institute (Seventh Annual Boston University Graduate Student American Political History Conference) Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Prize