Aibek Toktorbai uulu, Hiroshi Katsuchi, Haeyoung Kim, Hitoshi Yamada, Yusuke Ijima. Study on thermal parameters of asphalt concrete for countermeasures against high surface temperature of pavement in tunnel. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2021. 22. 4. 954-968
金 惠英, 勝地 弘, 木村 吉郎. 強風時の橋梁上の車両走行の安全性確保と合理的な規制方法に関する研究-Study on Vehicle Stability under Strong Wind Considering Interference between Bridge Structures and Vehicles. 大成学術財団研究論文集 = Report of grant supported research the Taisei Foundation. 2023. 5. 61-73