J-GLOBAL ID:201901005655196690
更新日: 2024年06月04日
ジョーダン ジョシュワ ジョン
ジョーダン ジョシュワ ジョン | JODOIN Joshua John
研究分野 (3件):
, 教科教育学、初等中等教育学
, 環境政策、環境配慮型社会
研究キーワード (4件):
Language Education for Sustainable Development (LESD)
, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
, English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
論文 (13件):
Joshua John Jodoin. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Projects in Japanese Higher Education: Creating Meaningful SDGs Materials for Self-Access Learning Centers. The Japan Association for Self-Access Learning (JASAL). 2023. 110-125
Joshua John Jodoin. Opportunities for English for Academic Purposes in a Post-Pandemic World through Language Education for Sustainable Development. Re-Vision and Re-Form in English for Academic Purposes Contexts after the Pandemic. 2023. 33-44
Joshua John Jodoin. Re-envisioning English Language Teaching in a Post-COVID World: Using Language Education for Sustainable Development. Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching. 2023. 251-265
Joshua John Jodoin. Promoting Global Awareness Using Language Education for Sustainable Development (LESD). EAP for the 21st Century: The UNNC Impact. 2022. 131-171
Joshua John Jodoin. Making the case for integrating sustainable development in the university language classroom. 2020
講演・口頭発表等 (10件):
Faculty Development Guest Lecture: Teaching Climate Change across Disciplines: Language Education for Sustainable Development
(Sponsor: Department of Global Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies 2022)
Language Education for Sustainable Development (LESD): A Best- Practice Guide in the Language Classroom
(The 7th Annual Conference on Global Higher Education at Lakeland University Japan 2021)
Using Language Education for Sustainable Development in the CLIL University Classroom
(JALT 2020 2020)
Language Education for Sustainable Development: A How-to Guide for Language Teachers (Workshop)
(TESOL-NELTA Regional Symposium 2019, Nepal 2019)
Language Education for Sustainable Development (LESD): Lessons Learned from a Case Study in Japanese Higher Education (Plenary)
(TESOL-NELTA Regional Conference 2019, Nepal 2019)
学歴 (4件):
- 2016 - 2019 京都大学 地球環境学堂 - 京都大学 Global Environmental Studies
- 2007 - 2011 Bilkent University Graduate School of Education Educational Management
- 2008 - 2010 Bilkent University ンブリッジ大学認定上級英語教師資格
- 1999 - 2003 University of Calgary Philosophy Philosophy of Science
学位 (3件):
- Ph.D. Global Environmental Studies (Kyoto University)
- M.A. Educational Management (Bilkent University)
- Undergraduate Philosophy (University of Calgary)
経歴 (5件):
- 2024/03 - 現在 甲南大学 マネジメント創造学部 准教授
- 2019/04 - 現在 甲南大学 マネジメント創造学部 CUBE西宮
- 2015/04 - 2019/03 Kwansei Gakuin University School of Policy Studies (SPS) Associate Lecturer of English
- 2012/09 - 2015/02 University of Nottingham Ningbo China Center of English Language Education (CELE) Assessment Developer and Course Tutor
- 2008/09 - 2012/07 Bilkent University Bilkent University School of English Language (BUSEL) Level Assessment Developer and English Instructor
所属学会 (3件):
World Environmental Education Congress
, OnSustainability Research Network
, Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT)