J-GLOBAL ID:201901005882066506
更新日: 2024年03月15日
サバウ ソリン
Sabau Sorin V
研究キーワード (5件):
theory of evolution
, Topology
, Theory of geodesics
, Differential geometry
, Finsler manifolds
論文 (79件):
Rattanasak Hama, Tiberiu Harko, Sorin V. Sabau. Conformal gravitational theories in Barthel-Kropina-type Finslerian geometry, and their cosmological implications. European Physical Journal C. 2023. 83. 11
Amine Bouali, Himanshu Chaudhary, Rattanasak Hama, Tiberiu Harko, Sorin V. Sabau, Marco San Martín. Cosmological tests of the osculating Barthel-Kropina dark energy model. European Physical Journal C. 2023. 83. 2
Rattanasak Hama, Sorin V. Sabau. Randers metrics on two-spheres of revolution with simple cut locus. AIMS Mathematics. 2023. 8. 11. 26213-26236
Nathaphon Boonnam, Rattanasak Hama, Sorin V. Sabau. The geometry of Randers cylinders of revolution with non-constant navigation data along meridians. Annales Polonici Mathematici. 2023. 131. 2. 97-125
Rattanasak Hama, Tiberiu Harko, Sorin V. Sabau. Dark energy and accelerating cosmological evolution from osculating Barthel-Kropina geometry. European Physical Journal C. 2022. 82. 4
MISC (4件):
Rattanasak Hama, Pakkinee Chitsakul, Sorin V. Sabau. The geometry of a Randers rotational surface (vol 87, pg 473, 2015). PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE-DEBRECEN. 2016. 88. 3-4. 517-519
Sorin Ioacara, Cristian Guja, Constantin Ionescu-Tirgoviste, Sorin Sabau, Simona Fica, Cristina Tiu. Glucose Lowering Treatment and Cancer Specific Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes. DIABETES. 2012. 61. A378-A378
Sorin Ioacara, Constantin Ionescu-Tirgoviste, Sorin Sabau, Eugenia Farcasiu, Ovidiu Bradescu, Cristian Guja, Maria Pallayova, Ana Cristea. Mortality changes over six decades in type 1 diabetes patients with onset before 40 years. DIABETES. 2007. 56. A269-A269
Sorin V. Sabau, H Shimada. Classes of Finsler spaces with (alpha, beta)-metrics (vol 47, pg 31, 2001). REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. 2003. 51. 1. 149-152
学歴 (2件):
- 1998 - 2001 Tokyo Metropolitan University Department of mathematics Doctor
- 1995 - 1998 Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Department of Mathematics Ph. D.
経歴 (1件):
- 2003/03 - 現在 Tokai University Department of Biology