研究キーワード (9件):
, 学校評価
, 政策評価
, 学童保育の質
, 比較教育史
, evaluating the quality of out-of-school time child care
, comparative research of school evaluation
, school evaluation
, Japanese history of education
Akihiko Hashimoto. Note on the Characteristics of Japanese School Evaluation: Seven factors obstructing successful implementation. Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies. 2018. 18. 2. 35-54
橋本昭彦. Comparison of the Big Tests’ Origins in Japan and the United States: The Characteristics of the “Elementary School Examination” of the Early Meiji Era. Comparative Sociology. 2015. 14. 1. 53-78
橋本昭彦. The Design, Implementation, and Operation of an Evaluation System that Works in Modern Educational Supervision. Conference Brochure for the Beijing International Forum on Education Supervision and Evaluation 2011. 2011. 37-48