Hiroshi G. Takahashi, Nozomi Kamizawa, Tomoe Nasuno, Youhei Yamada, Chihiro Kodama, Shiori Sugimoto, Masaki Satoh. Response of the asian summer monsoon precipitation to global warming in a high-resolution global nonhydrostatic model. Journal of Climate. 2020. 33. 18. 8147-8164
Kamizawa, N, H.G. Takahashi. Projected trends in interannual variation in summer seasonal precipitation and its extremes over the tropical Asian monsoon regions in CMIP5. Journal of Climate. 2018. 31. 20. 8421-8439
Understanding the 2018 Heatwave in Japan from the Pacific-Japan Teleconnection Pattern and its Relationship with the Seasonal March of the Asian Summer Monsoon
(American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2020 2020)