Sense-based low-degree modifiers in Japanese and English: their relations to experience, evaluation, and emotions. Linguistics and Philosophy. 2024. 47. 4. 653-702
Osamu Sawada. Scale structures of numeral additive particles: The case of the Japanese particles moo and ato. Kobe Papers in Linguistics. 2024. 14. 39-61
Osamu Sawada. The polarity sensitivity of reactive intensifiers in Japanese and English. Polarity-Sensitive Expressions: Comparisons Between Japanese and Other Languages. 2023. 297-342
Osamu Sawada, Hideki Kishimoto, Ikumi Imani. Empirical and theoretical issues of polarity-sensitive expressions. Polarity-Sensitive Expressions: Comparisons Between Japanese and Other Languages. 2023. 1-36
Osamu Sawada. Interpretations of Sense-Based Minimizers in Japanese and English: Direct and Indirect Sense-Based Measurements. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2023. 13856 LNAI. 145-160
The meanings of the Japanese numerical additive particles ato and moo: Their interaction with eventuality and intensional operators
(Evidence-based Linguistics Workshop 2024. NINJAL, Tokyo 2024)
Varieties of wh-exclamatives: A view from the negative wh-expressives in Japanese
(The 19th Modality Workshop. Shizuoka Prefectural Central Library 2024)
Scale structures of numeral additive particles in Japanese: Their interaction with eventuality and intensionality
(ESSLLI 2024 workshop, “Incremental constructions within and across languages: where degrees, eventualities and discourse dynamics interact”, KU Leuven 2024)
The inferential use of the Japanese NP-no koto-da(-kara): Its dependent relationship with modal sentences
(Comparative Syntax, Semantics, and Language Acquisition #3, Nanzan University 2024)
Expressivity in Japanese: Cross-linguistic and language-internal variations
(The 18th Modality Workshop 2024)