ビシュワ ラズ カンデル, 澤田 英司. Environmental Investment and Foreign Assistance in SAARC Countries: Do Overseas Environmental Subsidies Improve Local Environmental Problems?. Environmental Tax Studies for the Ecological Transition. Comparative Analysis Addressing Urban Concentration and Increasing Transport Challenge. 2019
河瀬 宏則, 澤田 英司. 日本の電力・ガス関連企業による自発的寄付行動の決定要因分析. 産業経営研究所報 = Journal of Industry and Management of Industrial Management Institute. 2019. 51. 23-31
澤田 英司. Economics of Non-point Source Pollution Control: An Overview and A Proposal for relative evaluation approach. Proceedings of 17th World Lake Conference. 2018
The economics of waste management in East Asia
Routledge 2016 ISBN:9781138805989
岩波書店 2015 ISBN:9784000287951
講演・口頭発表等 (27件):
Comparing the Efficiency of the Alternative Environmental Policies Under the Moral Formation
(20th Global Conference of Environmental Taxation 2019)
Do Environmental Taxes Crowd out the Voluntary Pollution Reductions? Numerical Illustrations
(8th Annual Conference of East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics 2019)
Economics of Non-point Source Pollution Control: An Overview and A Proposal for relative evaluation approach
(17th World Lake Conference 2018)
Dynamic pricing and consumers’ adaptive behavior: Energy demand-supply balance when consumers update their lifestyles in the long-run
(19th Global Conference of Environmental Taxation 2018)
REDD and Optimal Carbon Credits trading
(8th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics 2018)