J-GLOBAL ID:201901017484828933
更新日: 2024年11月19日
マーティン ホークス
Hawkes Martin
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
- 2020 - 2024 The impact of participant background on ELF interactions in EMI lectures
論文 (13件):
ホークス マーティン. The impact of pre-task explicit instruction on task processes. TESOL Communications. 2023. 2. 2. 37-62
Martin Hawkes, Calum Adamson. Challenges and opportunities for expatriate faculty teaching graduation seminar classes in Japanese universities. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education. 2023. 8. 7
マーティン ホークス. Using uptake sheets as a supplementary data collection tool in classroom research. OnCUE Journal. 2022. 14. 1. 60-71
マーティン ホークス. EFL lecture courses for study abroad preparation: An action research project. International Journal of TESOL studies. 2019. 1. 2. 1-19
マーティン ホークス. The timing of explicit form-focused instruction and its impact on task outcomes. Aston University. 2018
MISC (4件):
Hawkes, M. Review of the book "How languages are learned (5th ed.)", by P. M. Lightbown & N. Spada. JALT Journal. 2023. 45. 1. 160-162
ホークス マーティン. Review of the book "Linguistic soup: Recipes for success", by R. Caraker. The Language Teacher. 2021. 45. 5. 35-36
ホークス マーティン. Review of the book "Reflections on task-based language teaching", by R. Ellis. System. 2019. 81. 211-213
ホークス マーティン. Review of the book "Second language acquisition and task-based language teaching", by M. H. Long. JALT Journal. 2016. 38. 2. 169-172
講演・口頭発表等 (22件):
Exploring the graduation theses from the students’ perspective
(JALT 2024 2024)
Investigating ELF task interactions in a university EMI class in Japan
(ELF14 2024)
The impact of native-speakerism on student ELF interactions in EMI classes
(BAAL 2024 2024)
English as a Lingua Franca Discussion Tasks in University EMI Classes
(College and University Educators (CUE) Conference 2023 2023)
Supporting Students With Their Graduation Theses: An Action Research Project
(CamTESOL2023 2023)
学位 (4件):
- PHD in Applied Linguistics (TESOL) (Aston University)
- MSc in TESOL (Aston University)
- Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (The University of Cambridge)
- BSc in Pharmacology (University of Leeds)