J-GLOBAL ID:201901018451966520   更新日: 2024年05月30日

河﨑 史子

研究分野 (1件): 分子生物学
研究キーワード (4件): Chemical biology ,  Glycans ,  Epigenetics ,  DNA塩基修飾
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2022 - 2025 ライブイメージと同期した、時系列遺伝子発現解析
論文 (17件):
MISC (3件):
  • Yuki Ito, Jose Luis Vela, Fumiko Matsumura, Hitomi Hoshino, Aaron Tyznik, Heeseob Lee, Enrico Girardi, Dirk M. Zajonc, Motohiro Kobayashi, Xingfeng Bao, et al. Helicobacter pylori cholesteryl alpha-glucosides are critical for bacterial growthand activation of invariant NKT cells. GLYCOBIOLOGY. 2012. 22. 11. 1635-1636
  • Yuki Ito, Jose Luis Vela, Fumiko Matsumura, Hitomi Hoshino, Heeseob Lee, Motohiro Kobayashi, Xingfeng Bao, Thomas Boren, Rongsheng Jin, Peter H. Seeberger, et al. Immunological Functions of Cholesteryl alpha-glucosides in Helicobacter pylori-associated Inflammation. GLYCOBIOLOGY. 2011. 21. 11. 1485-1486
  • Yuki Ito, Jose Luis Vela, Fumiko Matsumura, Hitomi Hoshino, Aaron Tyznik, Heeseob Lee, Motohiro Kobayashi, Peter Seeberger, Jun Nakayama, Mitchell Kronenberg, et al. Cholesteryl alpha-Glucosides of Helicobacter pylori Play Critical Roles in Bacterial Growth and Innate Immunity by Invariant Natural Killer T Cells. GLYCOBIOLOGY. 2010. 20. 11. 1461-1461
書籍 (1件):
  • 複合糖質の化学と最新応用技術
    CMC出版 2009
講演・口頭発表等 (4件):
  • Genome-wide mapping of thymine modifications in eukaryote parasites
    (EMBO Conference: Chromatin and Epigenetics 2017)
  • Selective Chemical Labelling of Thymine Modifications in DNA
    (EMBO Conference: Chemical Biology 2016)
  • Chemical Synthesis and Properties of Cholesteryl α-Glycosides
    (5th Glycan forum Berlin 2011)
  • Synthesis of Glycosyl Boranophosphate Derivatives and Their Applications as Stable Precursors of a Variety of Glycosyl Phosphate Analogs
    (XXIV International Carbohydrate Symposium 2008)
学歴 (1件):
  • 2009 - 現在 東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科 メディカルゲノム専攻博士課程
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