Hokuto Konno, Nobuhiro Nakamura. Constraints on families of smooth 4-manifolds from Pin-(2)-monopole. Algebraic & Geometric Topology. 2023. 23. 1. 419-438
Tsuyoshi Kato, Hokuto Konno, Nobuhiro Nakamura. A note on exotic families of 4-manifolds. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2023
Tsuyoshi Kato, Nobuhiro Nakamura, Kouichi Yasui. The simple type conjecture for mod 2 Seiberg-Witten invariants. Journal of the European Mathematical Society. 2022. 25. 12. 4869-4877
Tsuyoshi Kato, Hokuto Konno, Nobuhiro Nakamura. Rigidity of the mod 2 families Seiberg-Witten invariants and topology of families of spin 4-manifolds. Compositio Mathematica. 2021. 157. 4. 770-808
Nobuhiro Nakamura. Real structures and the Pin-(2)-monopole equations. International Journal of Mathematics. 2020. 31. 14. 2050119-2050119