J-GLOBAL ID:202001002963368827   更新日: 2024年10月04日

Smith Hamish Finbar

Smith Hamish Finbar
研究キーワード (2件): TESOL ,  相互行為能力
論文 (5件):
  • 日本の大学で外国語として英語を学習する者の相互対話能力評価のための課題と採点基準の開発. 日本の大学で外国語として英語を学習する者の相互対話能力評価のための課題と採点基準の開発. 茨城県立医療大学紀要 (ASVPI). 2024. 29. 37-50
  • H. Smith. Using Drawing Prompts to Promote Topic Development in Discussion Tasks. Pansig Journal 2023. 2023. 30-38
  • Smith, H, Townsend, T. Investigating the efficacy of utilizing 360° camera technology as a language teaching and learning tool in a science content based EFL classroom. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. 2021. 15. 2. 143-155
  • H. Smith. The Hard Road to Hard CLIL in Japan: A Discussion of Contextual Factors in Japanese Secondary Schools. The Journal of the English Society of Morioka University. 2020. 31. 18-30
  • Townsend, T, Smith, H. A Formative Assessment Strategy for Learning Science-Related English through an Online Video Quiz System. TELES journal. 2020. 40. 143-155
講演・口頭発表等 (3件):
  • Evaluation of a Testing Approach Intended to Assess Japanese University Students’ Interactional Competence
    (VietTESOL International Convention 2024)
  • Promoting Topic Expansion and Spontaneity in Peer-to-Peer Speaking Tasks
    (PanSIG 2023 2023)
  • English 360° - Using student-made 360° videos to promote language use and 21st Century skills for learning in a science oriented EFL class.
    (Michinoku English Education Summit 2019)
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