Kei Ito, Toshihiro Kamiya, Akito Monden. Report on the 25th foundation of software engineering workshop (FOSE2018). Computer Software. 2019. 36. 4. 60-67
Toshihiro Kamiya. Code difference visualization by a call tree. 12th IEEE International Workshop on Software Clones(IWSC). 2018. 60-63
Toshihiro Kamiya. Introducing Parameter Sensitivity to Dynamic Code-Clone Analysis Methods. 10th International Workshop on Software Clones(IWSC@SANER). 2016. 19-20
Toshihiro Kamiya. An execution-semantic and content-and-context-based code-clone detection and analysis. 9th IEEE International Workshop on Software Clones(IWSC). 2015. 1-7