J-GLOBAL ID:202001005557752828   更新日: 2024年05月25日

山沖 和秀

職名: 教授
研究分野 (1件): 循環器内科学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (14件):
  • 1996 - 1998 心筋特異的転写因子を用いた心筋の発生及び分化機序の解明と心不全治療法の開発
  • 1996 - 1997 アドリアマイシンを利用した心筋細胞特異的遺伝子の包括的クローニング法の開発
  • 1996 - 1996 心筋細胞の発生機序の解析とその分化誘導方法の開発及び障害心への定着
  • 1995 - 1995 老年者高血圧症例における左室肥大に対する治療効果の検討
  • 1990 - 1992 虚血性心疾患の合成ペプチドを用いた新しい治療薬の開発
論文 (7件):
  • Miyako Kishimoto, Kazuhide Yamaoki, Masayuki Adachi. Combination Therapy with Empagliflozin and Insulin Results in Successful Glycemic Control: A Case Report of Uncontrolled Diabetes Caused by Autoimmune Pancreatitis and Subsequent Steroid Treatment. Case reports in endocrinology. 2019. 2019. 9415347-9415347
  • Y. Imai, T. Harada, H. Yamada, H. Kurihara, Y. Seko, T. Yamazaki, I. Komuro, K. Yamaoki, T. Sugiyama, H. Ashida, et al. Left cervical aortic arch with aortic coarctation and saccular aneurysm. Japanese Circulation Journal. 2000. 64. 7. 544-546
  • Y Yazaki, R Nagai, K Yamaoki. [Image and biochemical diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction]. Nihon Naika Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. 1990. 79. 11. 1523-7
  • S Ueda, K Yamaoki, R Nagai, Y Yazaki. Reconstitution of heavy chain and light chain 1 in cardiac subfragment-1 from hyperthyroid and euthyroid rabbit hearts. Advances in myocardiology. 1983. 4. 189-93
  • R Nagai, C C Chiu, K Yamaoki, S Ueda, Y Iwasaki, A Ohkubo, Y Yazaki. Serial changes in cytosolic, mitochondrial, and lysosomal enzymes and cardiac myosin light chain II in plasma following coronary ligation in conscious closed-chest dogs. Advances in myocardiology. 1983. 4. 473-8
MISC (36件):
  • Y Hirata, A Matsumoto, T Aoyagi, K Yamaoki, I Komuro, T Suzuki, T Ashida, T Sugiyama, Y Hada, I Kuwajima, et al. Measurement of plasma brain natriuretic peptide level as a guide for cardiac overload. Cardiovascular research. 2001. 51. 3. 585-91
  • Imai Yasushi, Harada Tomohiro, Yamada Hiroko, Kurihara Hiroki, Seko Yoshinori, Yamazaki Tsutomu, Komuro Issei, Yamaoki Kazuhide, Sugiyama Takao, Ashida Harunao, et al. 大動脈縮窄症と嚢状動脈瘤を合併した左側頸部大動脈弓の1例. Japanese Circulation Journal. 2000. 64. 7. 544-546
  • T Suzuki, K Yamaoki, O Nakajima, T Yamazaki, Y Yamada, H Akioka, Y Yazaki, R Nagai. Screening for cardiac dysfunction in asymptomatic patients by measuring B-type natriuretic peptide levels. Japanese heart journal. 2000. 41. 2. 205-14
  • T Suzuki, D Hayashi, T Yamazaki, T Mizuno, Y Kanda, I Komuro, M Kurabayashi, K Yamaoki, K Mitani, H Hirai, et al. Elevated B-type natriuretic peptide levels after anthracycline administration. American heart journal. 1998. 136. 2. 362-3
  • T Shindo, H Kurihara, N Ohishi, H Morita, K Maemua, Y Kurihara, H Tsuneyoshi, H Chi, K Yamaoki, Y Yazaki. Cardiac sarcoidosis. CIRCULATION. 1998. 97. 13. 1306-1307
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