Guide Book for Children ツタンカーメン -少年王ツタンカーメンに会いに行こう-
ツタンカーメン展 : 黄金の秘宝と少年王の真実 : エジプト考古学博物館所蔵 2012年
Current research in Egyptology 2004 : proceedings of the fifth annual symposium which took place at the University of Durham, January 2004
Oxbow Books 2006 ISBN:1842172204
Appraisal and Public Archives: Belgium, Germany, Norway, Sweden and UK
(Archives and Records Challenges in the Digital Information Society (ARCHIDIS) 2011)
What to Keep? A UK Perspective on Appraisal
(Archives and Records Challenges in the Digital Information Society (ARCHIDIS) 2011)