Masashi Shibata, Mami Fujibayashi, Shiori Shibata, Kenji Kuzuhara, Keiko Tanida. Association between Social Jetlag and Objective Physical Activity among Female University Students of Japan: A Cross-sectional Study. Sleep Science. 2024. 17. 2. e151-e156
Junta Iguchi, Tatsuya Hojo, Yoshihiko Fujisawa, Kenji Kuzuhara, Ko Yanase, Yumiko Koyama, Tetsuya Hirono, Hiroshige Tateuchi, Noriaki Ichihashi. Synergistic dominance induced by hip extension exercise alters biomechanics and muscular activity during sprinting and suggests a potential link to hamstring strain. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2023. 37. 9. 1770-1776
Shota Enoki, Junpei Shiba, Taisei Hakozaki, Yuki Suzuki, Kenji Kuzuhara. Correlations between one-repetition maximum weights of different back squat depths. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 2023. 31. 2. 97-102
Kenji Kuzuhara, Masashi Shibata, Junta Iguchi. Injuries in Japanese high school basketball players during games and practices. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022. 22. 10. 2370-2379
井口 順太, 真野 功, 北條 達也, 藤澤 義彦, 葛原 憲治. Bone strength and performance parameters in Japanese collegiate American football players. 健康医療学部紀要. 2022. 7. 9-16
, 日本臨床スポーツ医学会
, 日本体力医学会
, 日本体育学会及び東海体育学会
, ジャパン・アスレティックトレーナーズ機構
, National Strength & Conditioning Association
, National Athletic Trainers’ Association