J-GLOBAL ID:202001018145768651   更新日: 2024年05月22日

Miyake Yusuke

Miyake Yusuke
職名: Research Fellow
研究キーワード (3件): A: [ Substitutability between AI technology and human capital ] ,  B: [ R&D-Based Model (Patent Race / Industrial Cluster / Policy for Inequality ] ,  C: [ Human capital investment and Innovation ]
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2021 - 2022 An optimal policy analysis: Subsidy for human capital investment on education In declining birthrate society.
  • 2017 - 2020 Policies to Reduce Income Inequality and Economic Growth in an Aging Society with Low Fertility
論文 (17件):
  • Yusuke Miyake. Which is Better, Childcare Support or Public Capital Investment?. MPRA. 2022. (114528)
  • Yusuke Miyake. Endogenous Childcare Costs in R&D Based Model. MPRA. 2022. 112489
  • Yusuke Miyake. Endogenous Fertility Model in a Declining Birthrate Society. Journal of economics & business administration. 2021. 40. 1
  • Yusuke Miyake. Public and Childcare Capital in a Two Sector Growth Model. MPRA. 2021. 108542
  • Yusuke Miyake. Childcare Support and Public Capital in an Ultra-Declining Birthrate Society. Economics Bulletin. 2021. 41. 2. 634-642
書籍 (2件):
  • 歴史と理論で考える日本の経済政策
    中央経済社,中央経済グループパブリッシング (発売) 2020 ISBN:9784502336317
  • 名講義:経済原論がスッキリ分かる講座
    株式会社 LEC東京リーガルマインド (LEC出版) 2013
講演・口頭発表等 (18件):
  • AI and Human Capital Substitutability and Stability towards a New Steady-State
    (12th International Conference (IMEACONF 2023 / Humboldt Univ. / Berlin, Germany) 2023)
  • What is the Best Policy in an AI Society ?
    (13th International Conference ( AICBEM 2023 / Oxford Univ. / UK ) 2023)
  • What is the Best Choice in a Shrinking World Economy ?
    (11th International Conference (IMEACONF 2023 / Barcelona Univ. Spain) 2023)
  • Which is Better, Childcare Support or Public Capital Investment?
    (KEBA ( Autumn / Keimyung Univ. Korea) 2022)
  • Which is Better, Childcare Support or Public Capital Investment?
    (JAAE (Autumn / Do-Shisha Univ.) 2022)
学歴 (1件):
  • - 2014 Kobe University Graduate School of Economics Doctoral Program in Social Systems Analysis
経歴 (3件):
  • 2023/10 - 現在 Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University Department of Economic Systems Analysis Research Fellow
  • 2020/04 - 2023/10 Nippon Bunri University Faculty of Business and Economics Associate Professor
  • 2016/04 - 2019/03 Shigakukan University Faculty of Law, Department of Business Lecturer
受賞 (2件):
  • 2020/06 - President's Discretionary Competitive Acquisition Funds AI/IT Learning Efficiency in Education Transformation
  • 2014/09 - Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University The Research Encouragement Award Public Investment Financed by Consumption Tax in An Aging Society
所属学会 (1件):
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