J-GLOBAL ID:202001021059477734   更新日: 2024年06月27日

スチェーバー サマンサリン

スチェーバー サマンサリン | Stever Samantha Lynn
職名: Assistant Professor
研究分野 (1件): 天文学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
  • 2022 - 2027 Development of radiation-resistant superconducting detector arrays for satellite missions in the millimetre waveband
論文 (26件):
  • P. Campeti, E. Komatsu, C. Baccigalupi, M. Ballardini, N. Bartolo, A. Carones, J. Errard, F. Finelli, R. Flauger, S. Galli, et al. LiteBIRD science goals and forecasts. A case study of the origin of primordial gravitational waves using large-scale CMB polarization. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2024. 2024. 06. 008-008
  • Jean Philippe Bernard, Adam Bernard, Hélène Roussel, Ilyes Choubani, Dana Alina, Jonathan Aumont, Annie Hughes, Isabelle Ristorcelli, Samantha Stever, Tomotake Matsumura, et al. Performance of the polarization leakage correction in the PILOT data. Experimental Astronomy. 2023. 56. 1. 197-222
  • U. Fuskeland, J. Aumont, R. Aurlien, C. Baccigalupi, A. J. Banday, H. K. Eriksen, J. Errard, R. T. Genova-Santos, T. Hasebe, J. Hubmayr, et al. Tensor-to-scalar ratio forecasts for extended LiteBIRD frequency configurations. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. 2023. 676
  • T. Hasebe, P. A.R. Ade, A. Adler, E. Allys, D. Alonso, K. Arnold, D. Auguste, J. Aumont, R. Aurlien, J. Austermann, et al. Sensitivity Modeling for LiteBIRD. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2023. 211. 5-6. 384-397
  • Samantha Stever. LiteBIRD Science Goals and Forecasts: Improving Sensitivity to Inflationary Gravitational Waves with Multitracer Delensing. ArXiv. 2023
MISC (10件):
  • Samantha Lynn Stever, François Couchot. Modelling signal oscillations arising from electro-thermal coupling and stray capacitance in semiconducting bolometer impulse response. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS. 2022. 209. 3-4. 598-605
  • LiteBIRD Collaboration, E. Allys, K. Arnold, J. Aumont, R. Aurlien, S. Azzoni, C. Baccigalupi, A. J. Banday, R. Banerji, R. B. Barreiro, et al. Probing Cosmic Inflation with the LiteBIRD Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Survey. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2022. 2023. 4
  • Samantha Stever. In-flight polarization angle calibration for LiteBIRD: blind challenge and cosmological implications. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2022. 2022. 1
  • L. Montier, B. Mot, P. de Bernardis, B. Maffei, G. Pisano, F. Columbro, J. E. Gudmundsson, S. Henrot-Versillé, L. Lamagna, J. Montgomery, et al. Overview of the Medium and High Frequency Telescopes of the LiteBIRD satellite mission. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2021. 11443
  • Mayu Tominaga, Masahiro Tsujimoto, Samantha Lynn Stever, Tommaso Ghigna, Hirokazu Ishino, Ken Ebisawa. Simulation of the cosmic ray effects for the LiteBIRD satellite observing the CMB B-mode polarization. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2021. 11453
講演・口頭発表等 (9件):
  • Fredagskollokvium: Dr. Strangedata or: How I learned to start worrying and hate cosmic rays
    (Fredagskollokvium 2023)
  • Dr. Strangedata or: How I learned to start worrying and hate cosmic rays
    (From the Galaxy to the Big Bang 2023)
  • Cosmic rays, primordial B-modes, and DRACULA
    (cosmology seminar 2023)
  • Simulations of systematic effects arising from cosmic rays in the LiteBIRD space telescope, and effects on the measurements of CMB $B$-modes
    (Great Western Seminar Series 2021)
  • Simulations of systematic effects arising from cosmic rays in the LiteBIRD space telescope, and effects on the measurements of CMB $B$-modes
    (Cosmology seminar, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale 2021)
学歴 (2件):
  • 2015 - 2019 Université Paris-Saclay
  • 2010 - 2015 Cardiff University Department of Physics and Astronomy
経歴 (4件):
  • 2020/04 - 現在 Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, the University of Tokyo
  • 2020/04 - 現在 岡山大学 理学部 助教授
  • 2022/08 - 2024/01 Université Paris-Saclay Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale Chaire de Jean d'Alembert
  • 2019/02 - 2020/04 東京大学 カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構 研究员
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