J-GLOBAL ID:202101000575448082   更新日: 2024年02月01日

ロジャーズ リサ

Rogers Lisa
職名: 准教授
研究分野 (1件): 社会学
研究キーワード (6件): 交差性 ,  女性活動家リーダー ,  女性のエンパワーメント ,  社会正義 ,  ダイバシティー ,  異文化関係
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2021 - 2024 エスニシティとジェンダーの交差性からみる在留外国人の精神的健康
  • 2014 - 2017 Diversity Factors in Leadership
論文 (14件):
  • Teaching for awareness of people living in the world: A report on a World Affairs course. 異文化コミュニケーション. 2021. 24. 1-12
  • Lisa Rogers, Esta Ottman, Susan Pavloska. Hidden Biases and Their Influences on Multiple Oppressions Experienced by Non-Japanese Residents in Japan. 同志社女子大学現代社会学会現代社会フォーラム = Journal of contemporary social studies. 2020. 16. 14-33
  • Rogers Lisa. Japanese Women Activist Leaders and Global Networks : A Brief Study of Matsui Yayori. 同志社女子大学学術研究年報. 2020. 71. 43-50
  • Rogers Lisa. Diversity Awareness: Bringing the unconscious to life for social change. 総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts. 2020. 37. 39-47
  • Women activists in Japan: A narrative study of journeys of women social activists. 現代社会システムフォーラム. 2019. 2019. 15. 36-48
書籍 (2件):
  • Readings on diversity issues: From hate speech to identity and privilege in Japan
    Living Within Diversity Press 2016
  • 文化と衝突 : 多文化共生のために
    松柏社 2014 ISBN:9784881986875
講演・口頭発表等 (15件):
  • Living in Diversity and Inclusion (SIG: LiDi) Panel Discussion: Japanese Relations and Discrimination: Using the Black Lives Matter Movement to Examine Perspectives of Discrimination Related to Japan
    (異文化コミュニケーション第35年次大会 2020)
  • Utilizing adversity to teach about world issues: A report on a hybrid online course to encourage empathy and interconnectedness
    (異文化コミュニケーション第35年次大会 2020)
  • Matsui Yayori: Legacy of Activist Networks Connecting Japan and Asia
    (the 18th International Conference on Japanese Studies held at Ateneo de Davao University 2020)
  • Women Social Activists in Japan: An examination of social justice movements in Japan
    (SIETAR USA 2019 Conference held at Conference Marriott Gateway-Atlanta Hotel 2019)
  • Japan is not homogenous: An introduction to diversity awareness issues in Japan
    (SIETAR Japan World Conference held at Chuo University in Tokyo, Japan 2019)
学歴 (4件):
  • - 2018 Fielding Graduate University Human and Organizational Systems MA
  • 1998 - 2002 The McGregor School of Antioch University Individualized M.A. in Intercultural Relations MA
  • 1982 - 1987 University of Central Oklahoma Applied Liberal Arts with specialization in International Studies BA
  • Fielding Graduate University Doctorate in Human and Organizational Systems PhD
所属学会 (4件):
多様性研究部会 (副部会長) ,  異文化コミュニケーション学会、関西支部 ,  異文化コミュニケーション学会 (副会長 2021 ~ ) ,  International Academy of Intercultural Communication Studies
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