Ho H. Q., 石井 俊晃, 長住 達, 小野 正人, 島崎 洋祐, 石塚 悦男, 後藤 実, Simanullang I. L.*, 藤本 望*, 飯垣 和彦. Calculation of shutdown gamma distribution in the high temperature engineering test reactor. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2022. 396. 111913\_1-111913\_9
武田 哲明*, 稲垣 嘉之, 相原 純, 青木 健, 藤原 佑輔, 深谷 裕司, 後藤 実, Ho H. Q., 飯垣 和彦, 今井 良行, et al. High temperature gas-cooled reactors. High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.5. 2021. 464
Prediction of the operating control rod position of the HTTR with supervised machine learning
(29th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering; Nuclear Energy the Future Zero Carbon Power (ICONE 29))
Calculation of control rods position for restarting the high temperature engineering test reactor
(10th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2021))
Calculation of decay gamma spectrum of the HTTR after shutdown